What are you looking for?

Getting Started

Here you find all the information you need to get started using the broad spectrum of AMINA products and services.

Staying safe in Crypto

Known fraud and impersonation attempts, other phishing schemes and scams that we observe in the market

Deposits and Withdrawals

How do I deposit crypto with Amina? How can I withdraw funds from Amina? What is required to deposit? Can I deposit from an exchange?

Mobile App & Online Banking

Do you have issues logging in to your Online or Mobile Banking App or do you have questions on how to use it / where to find specific features?

Crypto Custody Solutions

Everything you need to know about our crypto custody solutions, in what they differ and which one is the most suited for your specific needs.


Trading in E-Banking or via mobile application. Place orders to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, fiat as well as securities and derivatives.


Earn passive income on fiat and/or crypto assets you hold at Amina Bank. Cross leverage assets in custody to benefit from other products, i.e. Loans.


How are payments processed? Can I perform bulk payments? All the information you need about payments you can find here.

Rates & Fees

How much does Amina charge for an account? What is the spread on spot trading? What are the custody fees?

Connections for Institutions

AMINA offers a variety of connection possibilities such as Open Banking and other interfaces. Learn more about them here.


Everything you need to know about investing and investment products that AMINA Bank offers.